Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.22.20 Introduction ------------ Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications. Jackrabbit Oak 1.22.20 is a patch release that contains fixes and improvements over Oak 1.22. Jackrabbit Oak 1.22.x releases are considered stable and targeted for production use. The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation. Changes in Oak 1.22.20 ---------------------- Technical task [OAK-10218] - oak-it-osgi: avoid Guava dependency [OAK-10623] - oak-core: log a warning when it needs to remap/add a namespace New Feature [OAK-10056] - Provide support for Jakarta Region for AWS S3 Improvement [OAK-9481] - avoid range queries on like conditions Task [OAK-10300] - update groovy dependency to 2.5.22 [OAK-10337] - mvn jetty:run fails to start oak-webapp [OAK-10350] - Update spring-boot dependency to version 2.7.13 [OAK-10386] - Bump netty dependency from 4.1.52.Final to 4.1.96.Final [OAK-10397] - oak-benchmarks/oak-it-osgi: update commons-compress dependency to 1.23.0 [OAK-10593] - Upgrade jackson-databind dependency to 2.16.1 [OAK-10598] - Update Oak trunk and Oak 1.22 to Jackrabbit 2.20.14 [OAK-10644] - JsopBuilder: remove JDK6ism [OAK-10645] - MongoDS docker container: set default Mongo version to 4.4 [OAK-10664] - Update spotbugs plugin to [OAK-10665] - Update checkstyle-plugin dependency to version 3.3.1 [OAK-10667] - Update jacoco plugin to 0.8.11 [OAK-10668] - examples: update jetty-maven-plugin to 11.0.20 [OAK-10669] - Upgrade maven-versions-plugin to 2.16.2 [OAK-10677] - examples: update build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.5.0 [OAK-10678] - update gmavenplus plugin to 3.0.2 [OAK-10683] - Update spring-boot dependency to version 2.7.18 [OAK-10686] - parent: add property for Reproducable Builds [OAK-10687] - Restore and cleanup SCM information [OAK-10695] - oak-benchmarks/oak-it-osgi: update commons-compress dependency to 1.26.1 [OAK-10696] - Update Oak trunk and Oak 1.22 to Jackrabbit 2.20.15 [OAK-10697] - webapp: update Tomcat dependency to 9.0.86 [OAK-10702] - oak-blob-cloud: update netty dependency to 4.1.107 [OAK-10707] - update (historic) org.apache.felix.scr.annotations plugin to version 1.12.0 [OAK-10712] - update groovy dependency to 2.5.23 [OAK-10713] - oak-lucene: add test coverage for stack overflow based on very long and complex regexp [OAK-10716] - oak-lucene: update to version 4.7.2 (latest from that branch) [OAK-10720] - Update commons-io dependency to 2.15.1 [OAK-10722] - Update commons-codec dependency to 1.16.1 [OAK-10723] - Update commons-lang3 dependency to 3.14.0 [OAK-10725] - Upgrade jackson-databind dependency to 2.16.2 [OAK-10731] - oak-pojosr: remove unused gmongo dependency In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains all changes included up to the previous Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.22.x release. For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at Release Contents ---------------- This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file. The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation. See the file for instructions on how to build this release. The source archive is accompanied by a SHA512 checksums and a PGP signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download. The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at About Apache Jackrabbit Oak --------------------------- Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications. The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation. For more information, visit About The Apache Software Foundation ------------------------------------ Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure of its 3,800+ contributors. For more information, visit